Prof. dr. Saartje Verbeke
Portfolio Director

Prof. dr. Saartje Verbeke

Saartje Verbeke (PhD) joined GUBERNA in March 2020 as Lifelong Learning Manager and member of the Management Committee. She is also researcher at the Centre of expertise Financial Governance.    

She is responsible for the development and quality assurance of GUBERNA's basic training modules and in-house training. She performs research into new trends and evolutions within corporate governance with a focus on the impact of the sustainability transition on the functioning and roles of the board, and translates this research into continuous innovation of the training programme.   

Saartje worked several years in the academic world. She obtained her PhD at Ghent University in 2011 and continued working as a postdoctoral researcher at Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen and as a guest professor at Ghent University. Apart from being passionate about good governance, she is an expert in linguistics, Indian languages and political organization of India.  

“Good governance: bringing structure in common sense”