Bron: De Standaard

AB InBev produces 50,000 liters of disinfectant and 26.000 bottles of hand gel from restalcohol that are released during the production of non-alcoholic beer. The products then go to hospitals and the health care sectors, mentioned the brewery in Leuven on Thursday.

A "support package for health care workers in our country", sounded the press. AB In Bev produced 50,000 liters of disinfectant to help the fight against the corona virus. From that amount, 18,000 liters were distributed in Belgium.

The disinfectant was delivered by a crisisteam and governments across Europe, that were able to further distribute them to hospitals. If needed, the brewery is prepared to produce more. The production happened in collaboration with company Jodima.

AB InBev made 26,000 bottles of 250 mili-liter handgel together with Bio-Essential from Turnhout. From that amount, the company donated 12,000 to the Belgian health care sector: 7,000 bottles for household help from "Familiehulp" and 5,000 bottles for hospitals.

read the article in De Standaard