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Organisation types and research themes

Our organisation types

Good governance tailor-made to every organisation. GUBERNA chooses a clear segmented approach, tailor-made to your organisation type. Our centres of expertise, developed together with our partners, have lead numerous projects, activities and publicaties specific to these organisation types.

Our research themes

Our research themes play a central role in the Third Wave of Governance.


In addition to the GUBERNA publications, below you will find an overview of leading Belgian and international codes and publications about good governance. Under the motto "one size does not fit all" you can use the filter function to search for the organisation types and themes most relevant to you.

Study on the compliance of BEL 20 companies within the Belgian Corporate Governance Code 2009

GUBERNA, in samenwerking met het VBO, voert regelmatig een onderzoek naar de formele naleving van de belangrijkste corporate governance aanbevelingen uit de Belgische Corporate Governance Code. Hiertoe worden alle beursgenoteerde ondernemingen onderzocht en dit aan de hand van publiek beschikbare informatie. 

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Challenging board performance

The 2011 European Corporate Governance report addresses these issues not only by providing a measured picture of the rising corporate governance standards in Europe but by sharing, for the first time, qualitative insights into effective leadership within the boardroom.

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