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Organisation types and research themes

Our organisation types

Good governance tailor-made to every organisation. GUBERNA chooses a clear segmented approach, tailor-made to your organisation type. Our centres of expertise, developed together with our partners, have lead numerous projects, activities and publicaties specific to these organisation types.

Our research themes

Our research themes play a central role in the Third Wave of Governance.


In addition to the GUBERNA publications, below you will find an overview of leading Belgian and international codes and publications about good governance. Under the motto "one size does not fit all" you can use the filter function to search for the organisation types and themes most relevant to you.

Sustainability and Digitalisation - the sum of all fears or the sum of its parts?

Sustainability and Digitalisation - the sum of all fears or the sum of its parts?

Sustainability and digitalisation: two concepts that have become increasingly relevant since the new millennium. Twenty years later, it has become dramatically clear that sustainability and digitalisation engender important and even disruptive changes in businesses and society; moreover, their mutual interaction and connection predict for even greater effects.

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GUBERNA Alumni Day 2020

Innovation: New Business Models and its impact on Governance

With our traditional economic model undergoing profound change, business as usual belongs to the past. The need for prominent inclusion of environmental and social sustainability is taking off sharply. Companies need to respond to this new state if they want to survive. They need to excel in integrating the three pillars of sustainability into their strategy: financial, environmental, social. Boards need to serve as a sensor in this new reality of business

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Digital Member Forum

Our first digital member forum, for a sustainable future

On 21 April GUBERNA held its first digital member forum around the theme “The implications of the Urgenda case on the accountability of organisations and the climate debate in the light of the Covid-19 crisis”. Before turning towards an overview of the event, it is important to sketch the context. Covid-19 has pushed GUBERNA, just as many other organisations, forward on its journey towards digitalisation.  Our first digital member forum is an excellent example thereof, but it is not the only one.

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Cyber-Risk Oversight

The ISA’s cyber-risk handbooks are an attempt to provide Board members with a simple and coherent framework to understand cyber risk, as well as a series of straight-forward questions for Boards to ask management to assure that their organisation is properly addressing its unique cyber-risk posture.

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Urgenda: how urgently should climate change be put on the agenda of the board?

On our first digital member forum onthe 21st of April we will reflect upon the impact of the Urgenda legal case on the accountability of companies. But what/who is Urgenda? Why is a court ruling on climate change against the Dutch government significant for Belgian companies? Which lessons can a board of directors take away from this case? And what will be the impact of the current COVID-19 crisis on the climate debate?

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