The world is in transition, and the impact of societal, political and legislative changes on a board of directors is not to be underestimated. Today, we witness the transition of value creation to sustainable value creation, in real life cases as well as in the codes and the law. In 2021, the Belgian Code 2020 added an explanatory note about sustainable value creation. But what does the concept mean? How can we embody sustainable value creation, bring it into reality, even in these politically and economically volatile times? 

  • To answer these questions, GUBERNA created a two-days programme on sustainable value creation with Belgium's 40 under 40 (Autumn Cohort 2021).
  • This programme offers guidance on how to cope with the challenges of implementing sustainable value creation through academic-based research, case studies, and testimonials of experienced directors.
  • The purpose of this GUBERNA training course is to show how directors can successfully cope with the challenges of sustainable value creation in the context of governance.

Discover the following training days

For Whom?

Directors and executives who want to know more about implementing sustainable value creation principles in their businesses.


The training consists of two days and takes place at Comet Meetings in Brussels. 

Both days start at 8h30 and end at 17h30.

Day 1: A case-based approach to master the ESG landscape: Is your board ready?

Do you want clear information tailor made for directors? In day 1 we assess the legal and financial impact of sustainable value creation on your organization. Facts, figures and clear guidelines on how to prevent a negative impact are given. 

To view the full programme, please check out the training programs open for enrollment. 


Day 2: Sustainable value creation from a board’s perspective

Do you struggle with bringing the topic to your board? How do you start with sustainability on board level? In day 2 we look at sustainability from a board’s perspective. How can leadership make the difference? What tools do you have as a board to bring sustainability forward? 

To view the full programme, please check out the training programs open for enrollment. 

What you'll learn

  • We will show you concrete, real and realistic cases to set you on the way of transforming your organisation from a focus on value creation to a focus on sustainable value creation. 
  • You will discover the concrete impact of EU ESG regulation on your board of directors. What changes, what doesn’t change?
  • We will assess the impact of sustainable finance policies on your financial statements. 
  • You will work with us on a governance framework that is adaptable for your board and organisation. How ready is the composition of your board for the future? How do you select a management that combines purpose-driven actions with a business mindset? How do you raise the topic in the board?
  • This program unites the expertise of GUBERNA with the engagement and transformative knowledge of Belgium’s 40 under 40. We also welcome the insights of Chapter Zero Brussels.

Receive a certificate

By completing this course,  you will receive a certificate.

If you follow both 'A Governance Roadmap to Sustainable Value Creation', and the Director Climate Journey -training, you will receive a Sustainable Directorship Certificate. This certificate will only be given to the participant if they participated in both trainings. Read more about this certificate here

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Qfor kwaliteitslabel

Alle GUBERNA opleidingen, events en services hebben het Qfor kwaliteitslabel behaald. 

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