Quick overview


For whom?

The GUBERNA Centre Public Governance is aimed at all state owned enterprises in the large sense of the word. This means all business enterprises where the government or state has significant control through full, majority, or significant minority ownership with the pursuit of public policy objectives. 

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Different ways to engage with us

The Centre Public Governance of GUBERNA has developed extensive expertise in public governance. As a result, we have become known as a reference and as a high-quality partner for topics related to public governance. We offer board evaluations, in-company trainings, remuneration benchmarks, reviews of governance documents, and support state owned enterprises in their board composition. We also respond to specific requests. 

Frieda Brepoels
GUBERNA was the first to translate the principles of corporate governance to the public sector and today still has a unique and diverse expertise in this field. It is an important knowledge centre offering not only a range of accessible publications, but also a number of useful practical tools and checklists
Frieda Brepoels
Chair , VRT

Publications for Public Governance organisations

Cyber-Risk Oversight

The ISA’s cyber-risk handbooks are an attempt to provide Board members with a simple and coherent framework to understand cyber risk, as well as a series of straight-forward questions for Boards to ask management to assure that their organisation is properly addressing its unique cyber-risk posture.

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Urgenda: how urgently should climate change be put on the agenda of the board?

On our first digital member forum onthe 21st of April we will reflect upon the impact of the Urgenda legal case on the accountability of companies. But what/who is Urgenda? Why is a court ruling on climate change against the Dutch government significant for Belgian companies? Which lessons can a board of directors take away from this case? And what will be the impact of the current COVID-19 crisis on the climate debate?

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"Male, pale & stale” is dead, long live diversity!

The 'glass ceiling' is familiar to us all, as are the quota laws, because they are supposed to bring solace. For GUBERNA, however, this is not the focus. We are indeed a great advocate of more women in managerial positions and especially on boards of directors. It is not for nothing that we have been addressing this topic in our operations for a long time. The successful mentoring programme is one example of this. But gender is only one piece of the puzzle. 'Diversity' is the greater goal for GUBERNA.

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Intercommunities and the Local Government Decree: a step in the right direction

Vorig jaar deze tijd bevonden de intercommunales zich in het oog van de storm. Zeer grote raden van bestuur, een ondoorzichtige kluwen aan participaties en enkele schandalen rond vergoeding zorgden voor een hevig debat. Biedt het nieuwe Decreet Lokaal Bestuur een antwoord op dit debat? Dat zal de toekomst moeten uitwijzen, maar het staat vast dat het Decreet de intercommunales uitdaagt op vlak van ‘goed bestuur’. GUBERNA licht er enkele uitdagingen uit.

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