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Organisation types and research themes

Our organisation types

Good governance tailor-made to every organisation. GUBERNA chooses a clear segmented approach, tailor-made to your organisation type. Our centres of expertise, developed together with our partners, have lead numerous projects, activities and publicaties specific to these organisation types.

Our research themes

Our research themes play a central role in the Third Wave of Governance.


In addition to the GUBERNA publications, below you will find an overview of leading Belgian and international codes and publications about good governance. Under the motto "one size does not fit all" you can use the filter function to search for the organisation types and themes most relevant to you.

New Year Ceremony 2020

No sustainability without profit, no profit without sustainability

At GUBERNA we believe good governance is the motor of our Belgian companies and directors are in the driving seat. However, no car and therefore no company moves forward without energy. To drive in the desired strategic direction, to reach the planned objectives and overcome obstacles on the way, every car needs the right type of energy. The financial sector is such an important energy source for companies as without enough financial means their very existence is threatened. 

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To whom is the director in the public sector accountable?

On 5 December 2019, the annual event of the Centre Public Governance debated on the question: To who is a director in the public sector accountable? This is certainly one of the most difficult topics in public governance. Since 2006, with the support of its partners Belfius and Deloitte, the GUBERNA Centre Public Governance has continuously developed its knowledge of the governance issues of public organisations.

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Spouses of leaders, first transmitters of the entrepreneurial spirit

A long tradition of entrepreneurial research has repeatedly highlighted the importance of the family in the genesis and transmission of entrepreneurial skills and behaviors. Some researchers have attributed this effect to the phenomenon of role models, which explains how, within a family, parents are observed and then imitated by children, which affects both children’s goals, once they become adults, as well as their aspirations and attitudes.

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Reflections on the GUBERNA Director's Day 2019 - Philip Verhaeghe

The 2019 Directors’ Day provided the many GUBERNA-members with a strong and clear wake-up call, combined with a precious call to action. Digital transformation and innovation are everywhere and therefore certainly affect the way companies should be governed. Directors have an urgent duty to become more “tech-savvy”, to be more in touch with what the latest technologies can offer. As digitisation and innovation have an impact on all businesses, they can no longer be a blind spot on the agenda of a board of directors!

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Does digital transformation imply a transformation to the board of directors?

Following the recent tsunami of regulations, the board of directors today still has a mainly "controlling" function in many companies. Its mission largely focuses on the protection of (minority) shareholders by limiting investment risks and avoiding conflicts of interest. Consequently, a director's duties are still too often limited to monitoring, compliance and risk management. This sometimes seems to be at odds with the organisational flexibility that innovation necessitates. After all, innovation requires creativity and entrepreneurship in a cooperative, open culture in which risk-taking is seen as indispensable. This raises the question of whether and how the board of directors should redefine its role in the digital age.

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How 3.0 are our boardrooms?

Nowadays, the board of directors is regarded as a prominent player and even as the lever for corporate governance. The call for professionalisation is growing louder and louder. Directors are confronted with increasing expectations and responsibilities. But are they equipped for it? Which challenges do they face?

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