Learning is a lifelong process, also for board members and business leaders. In the continuously evolving world, changes follow each other in rapid succession. Digitalisation, robotisation and the general speed of change puts a lot of pressure on organisations. This calls for an agile approach: taking up challenges, allocating funds, risk estimation, preparing for the future, letting go, taking quick and calculated decisions. Dealing with these challenges is not an easy task but with the right support and a strong network, board members and entrepreneurs are always "one step ahead".

GUBERNA supports board members and business leaders throughout their governance journey. In the context of lifelong learning, GUBERNA organises diverse education programmes and events focused on the relevant governance themes that you can apply in your organisation.

Education programme in the spotlight

GUBERNA Certified Director Traject

GUBERNA Certified Director

Being a professional director is a journey. That is why GUBERNA organises many courses where we focus on transfering good governance competences. Our open education programme is composed of 3 modules that complement each other: Director Effectiveness, Board Effectiveness en Board Simulation

When you follow these modules, get the certificate of the module and comply with a few criteria, you can get the title of GUBERNA Certified Director.

How can I obtain the title GUBERNA Certified Director?

Meet the GUBERNA Certified Directors

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