Quick Overview

Different ways to engage with us

Through the work of the Centre Social Governance, GUBERNA has gained specific knowledge and insights into the application of good governance in social-profit organisations. In addition to research, the Centre Social Governance also offers specific services such as governance evaluations, in-company trainings and governance trajectories. To further address the specific governance issues of the social-profit sector, GUBERNA has also developed a social-profit membership. In this way, GUBERNA aims to serve social enterprises even better.

Werner Sels
In order to build trust and maintain integrity, GUBERNA emphasizes the importance of a strong governance framework that aligns with the organization's values and goals.
Werner Sels
CEO, Ondernemen Zonder Grenzen

Webinars corporate governance in the social profit sector

With the support of the Belgian National Lottery and its players, we created a webinar series, each about 20 minutes long. In each video, we and actors active in social profit organisations take a closer look at the essential elements of board governance.


All publications

Urgenda: how urgently should climate change be put on the agenda of the board?

On our first digital member forum onthe 21st of April we will reflect upon the impact of the Urgenda legal case on the accountability of companies. But what/who is Urgenda? Why is a court ruling on climate change against the Dutch government significant for Belgian companies? Which lessons can a board of directors take away from this case? And what will be the impact of the current COVID-19 crisis on the climate debate?

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Multi-stakeholder governance in social organisations

Sociale ondernemingen zijn ondernemingen die sociale en maatschappelijke problemen, zoals armoede, sociale uitsluiting en ecologische problemen willen aanpakken en dit doen door het verhandelen van goederen en/of diensten. Ze onderscheiden zich van non-profit organisaties doordat ze hun financiële middelen verwerven via het uitoefenen van een ondernemingsactiviteit en niet (alleen) uit giften en subsidies. Ze onderscheiden zich van reguliere, commerciële organisaties omwille van het dominante sociale doel dat ze nastreven. Sociaal ondernemerschap krijgt in toenemende mate aandacht van beleidsmakers en academici als een middel om sociale en maatschappelijke problemen op te lossen.

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"Male, pale & stale” is dead, long live diversity!

The 'glass ceiling' is familiar to us all, as are the quota laws, because they are supposed to bring solace. For GUBERNA, however, this is not the focus. We are indeed a great advocate of more women in managerial positions and especially on boards of directors. It is not for nothing that we have been addressing this topic in our operations for a long time. The successful mentoring programme is one example of this. But gender is only one piece of the puzzle. 'Diversity' is the greater goal for GUBERNA.

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